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Download Skilman Introduction to Morse CodeBy Dr. Jessica Parks

Download Skilman Introduction to Morse CodeBy Dr. Jessica Parks

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Skilman Introduction to Morse CodeBy Dr. Jessica Parks

Skilman Introduction to Morse CodeBy Dr. Jessica Parks

Skilman Introduction to Morse CodeBy Dr. Jessica Parks

Download Skilman Introduction to Morse CodeBy Dr. Jessica Parks

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Skilman Introduction to Morse CodeBy Dr. Jessica Parks

Developed by Dr. Jessica Parks, an expert in memory and cognition with a doctoral degree in experimental psychology, this six CD course will guide you step-by-step to mastery of Morse code. Doctor Parks draws on long-standing research and scientifically validated principles to give you every advantage as you learn the letters, numbers, punctuation, and pro-signs that you will need to communicate using Morse code. For your convenience, a complimentary digital download of the entire course is also included.

  • Sales Rank: #2710132 in Books
  • Published on: 2015
  • Format: Audiobook
  • Binding: Audio CD

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